February Blog - Two trips to amazing Cornwall

Published on 7 March 2024 at 21:12

        What an amazing month of February it has been for Magician in Devon or should I say Magician in Cornwall as I've spent most weekends here during this month at two fantastic wedding shows in this beautiful part of the world, and it really is stunning. 

        Before these two shows Id had a very busy month preforming at private parties and of course my visits to the wonderful care homes I visit and perform.  I love to perform my magic to as many people as I can....as often as I can. Many of the care homes I've been to this month.....and many for the first time have opted for my 30 minute parlour show, and boy have I had some fun doing it, we have had lots of laughs, audience participation and of course mind blowing magic. Eastleigh care homes have three care homes, two in South Molton and one in Minehead, During February I've visited all three.  I Also visited The Seaton now my 6th time there and also Oakhouse in Exeter now my 5th time.   


                                         Magician in Cornwall 



             On Saturday 24th February I was up nice and early for the 2 and a half hour drive down to Cornwall for the Polurrian Hotel wedding showcase, the drive down was fantastic with stunning views over Bodmin moor and down into beautiful Cornwall and then onto the coast around the Lizard.  I was very excited to visit  The Polurrian and the Lizard for a few reasons, firstly its always great to perform in stunning surroundings but also as The Polurrian is a new venue for me....... Another thing I was extremely excited about was that on the Lizard and very nearby the venue is  Annes  Pasties www.annspasties.co.uk  and being a huge pasty fan it had to be done........and wow I can certainly say I was very,very impressed, literally the best ever. You must try them. 

           I arrived at the Polurrian in very good time and was set up with an hour to spare, with this luxury I explored the hotel and fantastic views over the cliffs and down onto the beach. I got myself a cappuccino to take outside and enjoy more views, as I got outside the coastal wind was pretty strong and lifted my favourite coffee out of the cup  and covered me and my suit..... It could only happen to me.    After I drank the centimetre of coffee I had left and entertaining the walkers who witnessed the flying coffee incident I headed to my car to straighten my tie and do my hair [ok massive exaggeration] in the window, after a few moments realising I had the wrong car and was performing my get ready in front of a car full of people who had returned from a lovely coastal walk..... A very funny start to a very successful wedding showcase , its a tough job being a pro....

          The showcase was amazing and I met some wonderful brides and grooms and suppliers, I'm really enjoying these wedding showcases and meeting so many wonderful people, I'm truly blessed to be able to do what I love as a profession.  If you are ever in the area or looking for a perfect Cornish hotel then this has to be it, Its just perfect with an indoor and outdoor pool Its truly a perfect cliff top getaway. 




                                       Magician in Cornwall back in Cornwall

                                                                                     With artofweddings.co.uk

A week later I was contacted by Jules from  artofweddings.co.uk , I first met this amazing company when I did a wedding showcase not so long ago working with them at Winslade park in Exeter.  Jules asked me if I would attend their Showcase at The Alverton Hotel in Truro, I jumped at the chance to work with Jules and her team again.   Jules has a very special way of running these events and is so professional that to be part of any event she and her husband Martin put on is always done with maximum effort and advertising. 

          The day was a huge success for me and was entertaining the many brides and grooms that came through the door, I've already had two confirmed weddings from my day here and many more enquires. Again the other suppliers were great and very passionate about their craft and to work with these people is an absolute joy.  Their positivity is infectious and we all seem to bounce off of each other. There was such a good feeling around the rooms of exhibitors, and I have to say I thoroughly  enjoyed myself all day.  

        I met many wonderful couples and am so happy to be able to share some wonderful moments with them, to be able to perform on their very special day is an absolute honour and privilege  for me. Thankyou to everyone for making me so welcome. 

      Well that's the end of my second blog from the Devon Magician, Cornish Magician,  west country magician has a good ring to it, either way Im immensely proud of my origins and the wonderful people who live there. Thankyou for having a read of my blog, I really would appreciate  any feedback from you, Its not one of my strong points but am learning all the time. 


Thankyou for your support as always 



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